As the day for Beth to give child birth was approaching, Dr. Natan, the doctor who accompanied the young woman during her prenatal care, unexpectedly asked Dario to come speak with him.
“Is there a problem, doctor?”
“I need to talk to you. Before you leave the clinic today, come by my office. I don’t think that Beth should hear our conversation.”
Late that afternoon, just before dusk, Dario stopped by Dr. Natan’s office. Before he came in, the secretary announced his arrival, said to call should he need anything and left them alone brusquely.
“What is the matter with my wife?” Asked Darius, still standing.
“Have a seat. Did you know that in addition to a doctor, I am a spiritist. And your situation has me very worried. Yesterday, during our meeting in the center, I had a vision. ”
“I cannot believe you called me here to talk about vision! Thing only thing that worries me is the health of my wife.”
“Stay calm, there is nothing wrong with Beth. And clinically, for now all is well with the child. But I need you to listen to me. Please. ”
“Spit it out,” said Dario impatiently.
“As I was saying, I am spiritist and, in recent years, I have greatly developed my mediumship as well. Yesterday, during our meeting, I received a message that was meant for you. And don’t give me that incredulous face, science and religion are not opposed knowledge. And at certain times, they can complement each other. ”
“And what did that message say,” he asked skeptically.
“Do you know the Bible, Darius?”
“Very little. But what does the Bible have to do with this conversation,” he asked.
“Look at this,” said the doctor, handing him the bible open on II Samuel. “Read chapter 12. In my vision. this text was sent to you,” added the doctor with an air of circumspect.
As he read the text, Dario’s face started turning red until, enraged, he threw the Bible on the desk in the face of the Doctor who, despite all the fury of his interlocutor, remained impassive.
“You know what I ought to do right now, Dr. Nathan? I should kick your ass. Punch the crap out of you right here in his office. I’ve never been so insulted in my entire life, you and you little oracle nonesense!” he concluded foaming in anger.
“I’m not accusing you of anything, Dario. I received a message and I am passing it on. I have not done anything but my duty.”
“Your duty is to take care of the health of those who pay you, not ruminate over things that are none of your business.”
“Calm down. No use getting stressed out. Whatever has to happen will happen.”
“And another thing d-o-c-t-o-r. Tomorrow I’m going to find another doctor to take care of my wife’s prenatal care and delivery. I always took you for a serious man. However, I see I was mistaken. So long.” Then he turned around, slammed the door and left cursing the doctor with the very worst insults he could muster.
The next day Dario sought his lawyer, put him abreast with what had happened with the doctor, but was advised not to make any claims against him. According to Dr. Celio, it was better not meddle in the past.
Three weeks later his son was born. Dr. Eloisa, immediately after the childbirth, walked over to Dario and said, “Only a miracle can save this child.”
Suddenly he remembered his conversation with Dr. Natan days before. He went home and for an entire week he fasted, cried, made pledges until finally, on the seventh day, his phone rang. It was the doctor.
“Dario? This is Dr. Eloisa. Unfortunately your son did not make it,” and hung up.
(The End)
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