Afraid of the street,
You cannot see the moon anymore
Walking through the streets of Belo Horizonte
On a full moon night
And walking by the street where I grew up
I was touched with a “fear” that predominates,
The insecurity and isolation of families,
So many electric fences, high walls, padlocks, etc… and
Along came this daydream…
Who of us looks at the sky, admires the moon
And walks peacefully through the streets?
The moon which has been sung in proses and verses
Inspired poets and lovers
Forgotten by us lately
Productive urban citizens
“Homo economicus”,
We live at high speed
The full moon is there, still
At the reach of our eyes
Public moon, it is everyone’s
It doesn’t even charge any tolls
But we don’t have time anymore
We run around the city streets.
Ah, the city streets!
Public street, it is everyone’s
To be occupied, a meeting place.
But which street ????
I revisit the street of my childhood
In space and in memory.
Late afternoon, early evening
Get-togethers that rejoice the heart,
Children’s voices and shouts fill the street
Playing hide and go seek, capture the flag, playing ball.
Teenagers romancing in the doorways.
The years have gone by
And like everything, my street has also changed.
They demolished the neighbor’s house
Built buildings, built walls.
Iron grates and electric fences.
The residents stay locked up in their homes,
Isolating themselves more and more.
Late afternoon, early evening
The street nearly deserted.
They whisper the latest news.
About hazards, death, weapons and violence.
Too dangerous to go out and walk around.
Fear is now what populates this street.
A silence of voices,
Listening to the noise of car sirens.
Apprehensive, their step stiff and tight
Students and night workers cross each other in the streets,
None dare to look up
To look and see each other.
The neighbors are strangers now,
Few still greet each other,
I even miss the gossiping,
That with exaggeration and censure
Spread the news and happenings of their street.
No one knows who has died anymore, who is newly born
Who has arrived and who has left.
All seal themselves up in their houses.
And behind walls
Tuned into the TV and virtual networks,
Seeking to connect with the world.
Distant from each other
In the illusion that this way
We will be safe!
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