Hi, nice to meet you! I’m the NEW PARADIGM. I know, a lot of people, especially from older generations, are jaw dropped asking themselves, “what is this? Who’s the leader here? What do these protestors want? Many young people like myself are ecstatic and feel like they have voice and the power to transform. Yes! THE NEW PARADIGM is brought forth mainly by the new generation according to the natural law of time. Clearly, vanguasdists play a part in all of this. Even the old paradigm has its responsibility, maybe due to its exhaustion or the necessary evolution of ideas. For the Field of Ideas to have force it must be experienced and anchored in practice, in small and large gestures. The gesture made by the students who occupied the roof and surroundings of the National Congress in Brasilia and who collected the trash they generated afterwards is worth more than 100 picket signs.
That’s why we, the outraged, do not believe in the gab of electoral speeches, in deputies and senators who leach public money, stuffing themselves with perks and benefits, making decisions that do not concern us nor represent our interests, favoring the elites. Just look at the Código Desflorestal as a small example among many. How did they expect us to react to PEC 37, which proposes to take the General Prosecutor out of the picture and legitimize impunity, only further confirming to the people that the National Congress houses many thieves.
Our national identity is reborn beautifully this fruitful fall of June 2013! How ironic in the so-called land of soccer, at the Confederations Cup which announces the upcoming the World Cup, to turn the wheels of a process that has only just begun. Why at the Cup? What a cold start of winter it would be if we just watched the ball roll around the beautiful stadiums, finding it oh so beautiful and applauding away at it all. Nothing against soccer, on the contrary, but now it has awaken a much deeper meaning by uniting a nation in a more noble cause. The sports media helps us communicate this to the world. What the government didn’t expect was to see the people march onto the streets for the obvious: to protest against taxpayer’s money being spent on investing in monstrous constructions with accelerated deadlines for the games. The meaning of this is to show an IMAGE of Brazil to the world. That is how the current government policies support themselves, by constructing an IMAGE. But we are the REAL. We want day to day dignity! We know that these funds are OURS and we want to have a checkup more than every four years.
Governments maintained by physiological and unscrupulous alliances are touting a rich and developed Brazil. Wait a minute! Whose wealth is this? OURS! So of course we want to use it in a way to better our lives. We should invite our brother tourists to see the REAL BRAZIL!
And not just the stadiums, hotels and our divine natural splendors but also the public schools, public hospitals, landfills, but how about taking a spin on a weekday in a public transportation bus around one of our capital cities?
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