The concept that a human being is composed of two fully functional bodies, one on the left and the other on the right side, is fundamental to understanding the sorcerers. When the human body is seen as energy, it becomes quite clear that it is composed not of two parts, but of two different types of energy: two different streams of energy, two opposite and at the same time complementary forces that coexist side by side, mirroring the duality of all things in the universe as a whole. As we have seen before, the stream of the right side body is connected to reason, and the stream of the left body to will.
The ancient sorcerers understood that these two different types of energy represented two complete bodies and speak in terms of the left body and the right body. Their emphasis was on the left body, because they considered it to be the most efficient in terms of the nature of its energetic configuration for the goals of sorcery.
They, who portray the two bodies as streams of energy, described the left stream as being more turbulent and aggressive, moving in swells and projecting waves of energy to the outside. To illustrate this, just visualize a scene where the left body is like one half of the sun and all the sun’s rays occur on this half. The waves of energy projected by the left body are like these sun rays, always perpendicular to the round surface of where they originate from.
The stream of energy of the right side body is not, in any way, turbulent on the surface. It moves like water inside of a tub that is being gently swayed back and forth. There are no swells, but the continuous movement of swaying. However, at a deeper level, it turns in rotational circles in the shape of spirals. To illustrate this, just imagine a tropical river, wide and seemingly calm in which the water on the surface appears to be unmoving, but there are harsh currents under the surface. In the world of everyday life, these two currents are blended together into one unit: the human body as we know it.
However in the eyes of the seer, if the body’s energy is circular as whole, this means the right body which corresponds to the human reason, is the predominant force. The dividing of energy between the two bodies is not measured by skill or a lack of it. The predominance of the right side is an energetic predominance that is terribly boring! Definitely, this circular movement takes over all events in daily life, but it makes it as a vicious and repetitive cycle. Every situation in life is found in this circular form. Continuous, continuous, continuous. It is a circular movement which seems to extract the internal energy and go ‘round and ‘round with it in a centripetal movement.
It is too late in the game to change this situation. The damage is done. The circular quality is here to stay. But this does not need to be continuous. Yes, we walk the way that it makes us: we cannot change this, but we would also like to run or walk backwards, sideways, or climb up stairs. To just walk and walk and walk and walk is very useful, but monotonous. The left side’s contribution, which corresponds to will, will make those centers of vitality more flexible and dynamic. If only for an instant they could swell instead of move in circles, a new and different energy, which is the will, would come in with fantastic results.
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