The sensation that human beings have of being utterly bored with themselves is due to this predominance of the right body. The only thing left for human beings to do, in a universal sense, is to find ways of ridding themselves of boredom. What they end up doing is finding ways of killing time: the only commodity no one has enough of. But what’s worse is the reaction to this unbalanced distribution of energy. The violent reactions of people are due to this unbalanced distribution. It seems that from time to time, helplessness builds furious currents of energy within the human body, which explode in violent behavior. Violence seems to be, for human beings, another way of fighting off boredom.
Awareness is the only avenue that human beings have for evolution. Something extraneous to us, something that has to do with the predatorial condition of the universe has interrupted our possibility of evolving by taking possession of our awareness. Human beings have fallen prey to a predatorial force, which has imposed on them, for its own convenience, the passivity, inertia and indolence, which are characteristic of the energy of the right body.
Our evolutionary possibility is like a journey that our awareness takes across something the shamans of ancient Mexico called the dark sea of awareness, or the Eagle’s emanations: something which they considered to be an actual feature of the universe, an incommensurable element that permeates the universe, like clouds of matter, or light.
The predominance of the right body in this unbalanced merging of the right and left bodies marks the interruption of our journey of awareness. What seems, for average man, to be the natural dominance of one side over the other is, for the sorcerers, an aberration which one must strive to correct.
The sorcerers believed that in order to establish a harmonious division between the left and the right bodies, practitioners needed to enhance their awareness. Any enhancement of human awareness, however, had to be buttressed by the most exigent discipline. Otherwise, this enhancement, painfully accomplished, would turn into an obsession, resulting in anything from psychological aberration to irreparable injury of our energetic bubble.
The Centers of Vitality of the Energy Body
As I have explained, the centers of vitality are located on six areas of the body. The first is on the area of the liver and gallbladder, on the right side of the abdomen; the second on the area of the pancreas and spleen, on the left side; the third on the area of the kidneys and adrenals, on the back directly behind the two formerly explained; and the fourth on the hollow spot at the base of the neck on the frontal part of the body, which is the center that accounts for decision making – the V spot. The fifth is around the womb, and the sixth on the top of the head.
The fifth center, pertinent only to women, has a special kind of energy which gives sorcerers the impression of liquidness. It was a feature that only some women have. It seems to serve as a natural filter that screens out superfluous influences.
The sixth center, located on top of the head, is something more than an anomaly… possessing not a circular vortex of energy, like the others, but a pendulum-like, back-and-forth movement somehow reminiscent of the beating of a heart.
The Center for Decisions
This fourth center has a special type of energy, which appears to the eye of the seer as possessing a unique transparency, something that could be described as resembling water: energy so fluid that it seems liquid. The liquid appearance of this special energy is the mark of a filter-like quality of the center for decisions itself, which screens any energy coming to it, and draws from it only the aspect of it that is liquid-like. Such a quality of liquidness is a uniform and consistent feature of this center. Sorcerers also call it the watery center.
The rotation of the energy at the center for decisions is the weakest of them all, which is why man can rarely decide anything. Sorcerers see that after they practice certain magical passes, this center becomes active, and they can, with certainty, make decisions to their hearts’ content, while they couldn’t even take a first step before.
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