The old seers discovered that it is possible to move the assemblage point to the limit of the known and keep it fixed there in a state of prime heightened awareness. From that position, they saw the feasibility of slowly shifting their assemblage points permanently to other positions beyond that limit—a stupendous feat fraught with daring but lacking sobriety, for they could never retract the movement of their assemblage points, or perhaps they never wanted to.
Adventurous men, faced with the choice of dying in the world of ordinary affairs or dying in unknown worlds, will unavoidably choose the latter. The new seers, realizing that their predecessors had chosen merely to change the locale of their death, came to understand the futility of it all; the futility of struggling to control their fellow men, the futility of assembling other worlds, and, above all, the futility of self-importance.
One of the most fortunate decisions that the new seers made was never to allow their assemblage points to move permanently to any position other than heightened awareness. From that position, they actually resolved their dilemma of futility and found out that the solution is not simply to choose an alternate world in which to die, but to choose total consciousness, total freedom.
By choosing total freedom, the new seers unwittingly continued in the tradition of their predecessors and became the quintessence of the death defiers. The new seers discovered that if the assemblage point is made to shift constantly to the confines of the unknown, but is made to return to a position at the limit of the known, then when it is suddenly released it moves like lightning across the entire cocoon of man, aligning all the emanations inside the cocoon at once.
The new seers burn with the force of alignment, with the force of will, which they have turned into the force of intent through a life of impeccability. Intent is the alignment of all the amber emanations of awareness, so it is correct to say that total freedom means total awareness.
Freedom is the Eagle’s gift to man. Unfortunately, very few men understand that all we need, in order to accept such a magnificent gift, is to have sufficient energy. If that’s all we need, then, by all means, we must become misers of energy.
The Eagle’s gift of freedom to man is not a concession, but a chance to have a chance.
A somersault of thought into the inconceivable
I will tell you something fundamental about the sorcerers and their acts of sorcery; something about the somersault of thought into the inconceivable. Some sorcerers are storytellers. Storytelling for them is not just the advanced runner that probed his perceptual limits but his path to perfection, to power, to the spirit.
Changing the factual account of the story of a hero or historical character, for example, would be a psychological device, a sort of wishful thinking on the sorcerer storyteller’s part. Or perhaps it would be a personal, idiosyncratic way of alleviating frustration.
But it’s not a matter of one sorcerer storyteller. They all do that. The sorcerer storyteller who changes the ending of the factual account, does it at the direction and under the auspices of the spirit. Because he can manipulate his elusive connection with intent, he can actually change things. Under the auspices of the spirit, that simple act plunges him into the spirit itself. He has let his thought somersault into the inconceivable
Because his understanding is pure, an advanced runner probing the immensity out there, the sorcerer storyteller knows, without a shadow of doubt, that somewhere, somehow, in that infinity, at this very moment the spirit has descended. The hero’s goal has transcended his person
Stalking yourself
Human beings are infinitely more complex and mysterious than our wildest fantasies. The sorcerers’ experience is so outlandish that sorcerers consider it an intellectual exercise, and use it to stalk themselves with. Their trump card as stalkers, though, is that they remain keenly aware that we are perceivers and that perception has more possibilities than the mind can conceive.
In order to protect themselves from that immensity, sorcerers learn to maintain a perfect blend of ruthlessness, cunning, patience, and sweetness. These four bases are inextricably bound together.
Sorcerers cultivate them by intending them. These bases are, naturally, positions of the assemblage point. Every act performed by any sorcerer is by definition governed by these four principles. So, properly speaking, every sorcerer’s every action is deliberate in thought and realization, and has the specific blend of the four foundations of stalking.
Sorcerers use the four moods of stalking as guides. These are four different frames of mind, four different brands of intensity that sorcerers can use to induce their assemblage points to move to specific positions.
Go home and think about the basic cores of the sorcery stories. Or rather, don’t think about them, but make your assemblage point move toward the place of silent knowledge.
Moving the assemblage point is everything, but it means nothing if it’s not a sober, controlled movement. So, close the door of self-reflection. Be impeccable and you’ll have the energy to reach the place of silent knowledge. The basic cores reveal themselves extremely slowly, erratically advancing and retreating.
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