In order to stop the view of the world, sustained by the internal dialogue, which one has held since the cradle, it is not enough to just wish or make a resolution. One needs a practical task; that practical task is called the right way of walking. It seems harmless and nonsensical. As everything else which has power in itself or by itself, the right way of walking does not attract attention.
The right way of walking is a subterfuge. The warrior, first by curling his fingers, draws attention to the arms; and then by looking fixedly, without focusing his eyes, at any point directly in front of him on the arc that starts at the tip of his feet and ends above the horizon, he literally floods his tonal with information.
The tonal, without its one-to-one relation with the elements of its description, is incapable of talking to itself, and thus one becomes silent. The position of the fingers does not matter at all. The only consideration is to draw attention to the arms by clasping the fingers in various unaccustomed ways. The important thing is the manner in which the eyes, by being kept unfocused, detect an enormous number of features of the world without being very clear about them. The eyes in that state are capable of picking out details which are too fleeting for normal vision.
If one keeps one’s unfocused eyes fixed at a point just above the horizon, it is possible to notice, at once, everything in almost the total 180-degree range in front of one’s eyes. That exercise is the only way of shutting off the internal dialogue.
Walking in the dark: the gait of power
The gait of power is a special way of walking in the darkness. Your trunk is slightly bent forward, but the spine is kept straight. Your knees are also slightly bent.
First curl your fingers against your palms, stretching out the thumb and index of each hand. While walking, raise your knees almost to your chest every time you take a step. The gait of power is completely safe.
At night the world is different, and the ability to run in the darkness has nothing to do with the knowledge of the pathway. The key to it is to let one’s personal power flow out freely, so it could merge with the power of the night. Once that power takes over there is no chance for a slip-up.
You can always see fairly well, no matter how dark the night is, if you don’t focus on anything but keep scanning the ground right in front of you. The gait of power is similar to finding a place to rest. Both entail a sense of abandon, and a sense of trust.
The gait of power requires that one keep the eyes on the ground directly in front, because even a glance to either side will produce an alteration in the flow of movement. Bending the trunk forward is necessary in order to lower the eyes. The reason for lifting the knees up to the chest is because the steps have to be very short and safe. You are going to stumble a great deal at first but with practice you will be able to run as swiftly and as safely as you can in the daytime. The level of concentration necessary to examine ahead has to be total. Any look to the side or further ahead alters the flow.
Poems in stalking oneself
The idea of death is the only thing that can give sorcerers courage. Strange, isn’t it? It gives sorcerers the courage to be cunning without being conceited, and above all it gives them courage to be ruthless without being self-important.
Sorcerers stalk themselves in order to break the power of their obsessions. There are many ways of stalking oneself. If you don’t want to use the idea of your death, you can use poems to stalk yourself. You deliver a jolt in yourself with them. Listen or read while you shut off your internal dialogue and let inner silence gain momentum. Then the combination of the poem and the silence delivers the jolt.
This jolt, this shock of beauty, is stalking. The poem has to be compact, preferably short. And it has to be created or composed of precise and pungent images of great simplicity. Poets unconsciously strive for the world of the sorcerers. For not being sorcerers on the path of knowledge, their strivings are all they have.
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