Life and consciousness, being exclusively a matter of energy, are not solely the property of organisms. Sorcerers have seen that there are two types of conscious beings roaming the earth, the organic and the inorganic. In comparing one with the other, they have seen that both are luminous masses crossed from every imaginable angle by millions of the universe’s energy filaments. They are different from each other in their shape and in their degree of brightness. Inorganic beings are long and candle-like but opaque, whereas organic beings are round and by far the brighter.
Another noteworthy difference sorcerers have seen is that the life and consciousness of organic beings is short-lived, because they are made to hurry, whereas the life of inorganic beings is infinitely longer and their consciousness infinitely more calm and deeper.
Sorcerers found no problem in interacting with them. Inorganic beings possess the crucial ingredient for interaction: consciousness. For sorcerers, having life means having consciousness. It means having an assemblage point and its surrounding glow of awareness, a condition that points out to sorcerers that the being in front of them, organic or inorganic, is thoroughly capable of perceiving. Perceiving is understood by sorcerers as the precondition of being alive. With the inorganic beings, it’s very difficult to tell what is what. Let’s say that those beings are enticed by us or, better yet, compelled to interact with us.
The difficulty with inorganic beings is that their awareness is very slow in comparison with ours. It will take years for a sorcerer to be acknowledged by inorganic beings. So, it is advisable to have patience and wait. Sooner or later they show up, but not like you or I would show up. Theirs is a most peculiar way to make themselves known.
Sorcerers entice them in dreaming. I have said that what’s involved, though, is more than enticing them; by the act of dreaming, sorcerers compel those beings to interact with them.
Dreaming is sustaining the position where the assemblage point has shifted in dreams. This act creates a distinctive energy charge which attracts their attention. It’s like bait to fish; they’ll go for it. Sorcerers, by reaching and crossing the first two gates of dreaming, set bait for those beings and compel them to appear.
By going through the two gates, you make your bidding known to them. Then, you must wait for a sign from them; possibly the appearance of one of them. I am of the opinion that their signal is simply some interference in your dreaming. I believe that the jolts of fear you are currently experimenting are not due to indigestion and yes to jolts of energy sent my inorganic beings.
They do, at times, materialize themselves in the daily world, right in front of us. Most of the time though, their invisible presence is marked by a bodily jolt, a shiver of sorts that comes from the marrow of the bones. In dreaming we have the total opposite. At times, we feel them as a jolt of fear. Most of the time, they materialize themselves right in front of us. Since at the beginning of dreaming we have no experience whatsoever with them, they might imbue us with fear beyond measure. That is a real danger to us. Through the channel of fear, they can follow us to the daily world, with disastrous results for us.
Fear can settle down in our lives, and we would have to be mavericks to deal with it. Inorganic beings can be worse than a pest. Through fear they can easily drive us raving mad.
Our normal expectation when engaging in interaction with our fellow men or with other organic beings is to get an immediate reply to our solicitation. With inorganic beings, however, since they are separated from us by a most formidable barrier—energy that moves at a different speed—sorcerers must gauge their expectations and sustain the solicitation for as long as it takes to be acknowledged.
The solicitation is the same as the dreaming practices. But for a perfect result, you must add to your practices the intent of reaching those inorganic beings. Send a feeling of power and confidence to them, a feeling of strength, of detachment. Avoid at any cost sending a feeling of fear or morbidity. They are pretty morbid by themselves; to add your morbidity to them is unnecessary, to say the least.
What sorcerers do with the inorganic beings is mingle with them. They turn them into allies. They form associations, create extraordinary friendships. I call them vast enterprises, where perception plays the uppermost role. We are social beings. We unavoidably seek the company of consciousness.
With inorganic beings, the secret is not to fear them. And this must be done from the beginning. The intent one has to send out to them has to be of power and abandon. In that intent one must encode the message “I don’t fear you. Come to see me. If you do, I’ll welcome you. If you don’t want to come, I’ll miss you.” With a message like this, they’ll get so curious that they’ll come for sure.
Dreamers, whether they like it or not, in their dreaming seek associations with other beings. This may come to you as a shock, but dreamers automatically seek groups of beings, nexuses of inorganic beings in this case. Dreamersseekthemavidly.
To us, the novelty for us is the inorganic beings. And the novelty for them is one of our kind crossing the boundaries of their realm. The thing you must bear in mind from now on is that inorganic beings with their superb consciousness exert a tremendous pull over dreamers and can easily transport them into worlds beyond description.
The sorcerers of antiquity used them, and they are the ones who coined the name allies. Their allies taught them to move the assemblage point out of the egg’s boundaries into the nonhuman universe. So when they transport a sorcerer, they transport him to worlds beyond the human domain.
In matters of the inorganic beings, I am nearly a novice. I refused that part of the sorcerers’ knowledge on the ground that it is too cumbersome and capricious. I don’t want to be at the mercy of any entity, organic or inorganic.
The best thing to do with inorganic beings is what you do: deny their existence, but visit with them regularly and maintain that you are dreaming and in dreaming anything is possible. This way you don’t commit yourself. My recommendation is that you vanquish fear from your dreams and from your life, in order to safeguard your unity.
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