Sorcerers, in an effort to protect themselves from the overwhelming effect of silent knowledge, developed the art of stalking. Stalking moves the assemblage point minutely but steadily, thus giving sorcerers time and therefore the possibility of buttressing themselves.
Stalking had very humble and fortuitous origins. It started from an observation the new seers made that when warriors steadily behave in ways not customary for them, the unused emanations inside their cocoons begin to glow. And their assemblage points shift in a mild, harmonious, barely noticeable fashion.
Stimulated by this observation, the new seers began to practice the systematic control of their behavior. They called this practice the art of stalking. The name, although objectionable, is appropriate, because stalking entails a specific kind of behavior with people, behavior that can be categorized as surreptitious.
Stalking is a procedure, a very simple one. Stalking is special behavior that follows certain principles. It is secretive, furtive, deceptive behavior designed to deliver a jolt. And, when you stalk yourself you jolt yourself, using your own behavior in a ruthless, cunning way.
The new seers, armed with this technique, tackled the known in a sober and fruitful way. By continual practice, they made their assemblage points move steadily.
Some sorcerers have objected to the term stalking, but the name came about because it involves surreptitious behavior. It is also called the art of stealth, but that term is equally unfortunate. We, because of our temperament non-militant, call it the art of controlled folly. You can call it anything you like. However, we will continue with the term stalking since it is so easy to say stalking and so awkward to say controlled folly maker.
Stalking is one of the greatest accomplishments of the new seers. They decided that it should be taught to the modern day master sorcerer when his assemblage point had already moved very deeply to the left side. The reason for this decision is that a master sorcerer must learn the principles of stalking without the hassle of human inventory. After all, the master sorcerer can be the leader of a group, and to lead, he must act quickly without thinking beforehand.
Other warriors can learn to stalk in their normal awareness, although it is advisable to do so in heightened awareness … not so much because of the value heightened awareness has, but because it imbues stalking in a mystery which it does not actually possess. Stalking is merely a behavior we have towards people.
Stalking belongs exclusively to the new seers. They are the only seers who have to deal with people. The old ones were so wrapped up in their sense of power that they didn’t even know that people existed, until people started clobbering them on the head.
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