Dreams are, if not a door, a hatch into other worlds. As such, dreams are a two-way street. Our awareness goes through that hatch into other realms, and those other realms send scouts into our dreams. Those scouts are energy charges that get mixed with the items of our normal dreams. They are bursts of foreign energy that come into our dreams, and we interpret them as items familiar or unfamiliar to us.
Scouts are more numerous when our dreams are average, normal ones. The dreams of the sorcerers are strangely free from scouts. When they appear, they are identifiable by the strangeness and incongruity surrounding them. Their presence doesn’t make any sense.
Only in average dreams are things nonsensical. I would say that this is so because more scouts are injected into them, because average people are subject to a greater barrage from the unknown.
In my opinion, what takes place is a balance of forces. Average people have stupendously strong barriers to protect themselves against those onslaughts; barriers such as worries about the self. The stronger the barrier, the greater the attack.
The sorcerers, experienced dreamers, by contrast, have fewer barriers and fewer scouts in their dreams. It seems that in dreamers‘ dreams nonsensical things disappear, which ensures that dreamers catch the presence of scouts.
You can bet that there is an underlying order behind all of this. In dreaming, some items are of key importance because they are associated with the spirit. Others are entirely unimportant by reason of being associated with our indulging personality.
You are unable to understand because you insist on thinking of dreams in familiar terms: like what happens to us when we sleep. And I insist on telling another version: dreams are a hatch into other realms of perception.
Through that hatch, currents of unfamiliar energy seep in. Then the mind or the brain or whatever, takes those currents of energy and turns them into parts of our dreams. Sorcerers are aware of those currents of foreign energy. They notice them and strive to isolate them from the normal items of their dreams. They isolate them because they come from other realms. If we follow them to their source, they serve us as guides into areas of such mystery that sorcerers shiver at the mere mention of such a possibility
Sorcerers isolate these foreign energy currents from the normal items of their dreams by the exercise and control of their dreaming attention. At one moment, our dreaming attention discovers them among the items of a dream and focuses on them, then the total dream collapses, leaving only the foreign energy.
The first scout you isolate will always be present, in any form, even in Iridium, one of the hardest substances in the world. Scouts are reconnoiterers sent by the inorganic realm. They are very fast, meaning that they don’t stay long.
They come in search of potential awareness. They have consciousness and purpose, although it is incomprehensible to our minds, comparable perhaps to the consciousness and purpose of trees. The inner speed of trees and inorganic beings is incomprehensible to us because it is infinitely slower than ours.
Both trees and inorganic beings last longer than we do. They are made to stay put. They are immobile, yet they make everything move around them. Inorganic beings are stationary like trees. What one sees in dreaming as bright or dark sticks are their projections. What one hears as the voice of the dreaming emissary is equally their projection. And so are their scouts.
The greater the ability to observe the details of dreams, the easier it is to isolate the scouts. If you choose to recognize the scouts as a foreign energy, they remain for some time in the perceptual field. If the choice is to turn the scouts into semi-known objects, they stay even longer, changing erratically. But if they are followed, revealing oneself aloud the intent to go, the scouts really do transport the dreaming attention to a world beyond one can typically imagine.
Inorganic beings are always inclined to teach. But they are likely to only teach about dreaming. The dreaming emissary, for having a voice of its own, is the perfect bridge between that world and ours. Remember, to stalk the inorganic beings was the ancient sorcerers’ field of expertise. To get there they tenaciously fixed their dreaming attention on items in dreams. This way they could isolate the scouts. And when they had the scouts in their sights, they shouted their intent to follow them. In the instant that they verbalized this intent, they would go, pulled in by the foreign energy.
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