By means of their dreaming contacts with inorganic beings, the old sorcerers became immensely well-versed in the manipulation of the assemblage point, a vast and ominous subject.
I didn’t want to get into this, but I think it’s time to tell you that the voice you hear, remembering to fix your dream attention on the dream items, is the voice of an inorganic being.
Let’s say that the dreaming emissary is a force that comes from the realm of inorganic beings. This is the reason dreamers always encounter it. Every dreamer hears or sees the emissary though very few see it or feel it.
You must understand once and for all that all the dream voices are normal day-to-day things for a sorcerer. You are not losing your mind; you are simply hearing the voice of the dream emissary.
Upon crossing the first or second gate of dreaming, dreamers reach a threshold of energy and begin to see things or to hear voices. Not really plural voices, but a singular voice. Sorcerers call it the voice of the dreaming emissary. The dreaming emissary is alien energy that has conciseness—alien energy that purports to aid dreamers by telling them things. The problem with the dreaming emissary is that it can tell only what the sorcerers already know or should know.
As I have said before: it’s alien energy. An impersonal force that we turn into a very personal one because it has a voice. Some sorcerers swear by it. They even see it.
Or simply hear it as the voice of a man or woman. And the voice can speak to them about the state of things, which is mainly seen as advice.
It cannot be advice. It only tells us what’s what, and then we draw the inferences ourselves. It’s just like I said, the emissary doesn’t tell you anything new. Its statements are correct, but it only seems to be revealing things to you. What the emissary does is merely repeat what you already know.
We see it or hear it because we maintain our assemblage points fixed on a specific new position; the more intense this fixation, the more intense our experience of the emissary.
This force is certainly capable of materializing itself. It all depends on how fixed the assemblage point is. But, rest assured, if you are capable of maintaining a degree of detachment, nothing happens.
The emissary remains what it is: an impersonal force that acts on us because of the fixation of our assemblage points.
The whole realm of inorganic beings is always poised to teach. Perhaps because inorganic beings have a deeper consciousness than ours, they feel compelled to take us under their wings.
If a sorcerer wants to live in the realm of the inorganic beings, the emissary is the perfect bridge; it speaks, and its bent is to teach, to guide. They teach things pertinent to their world. The same way we ourselves would teach them, if we were capable of teaching them: things pertinent to our world. Their method, however, is to take our basic self as a gauge of what we need and then teach us accordingly. A most dangerous affair!
If someone was going to take your basic self as a gauge, with all your fears and greed and envy, et cetera, et cetera, and teach you what fulfills that horrible state of being, what do you think the result would be?
The problem with the old sorcerers was that they learned wonderful things, but on the basis of their lower selves without elevation. The inorganic beings became their allies, and, by means of deliberate examples, they taught the old sorcerers marvels. Their allies performed the actions, and the old sorcerers were guided step by step to copy those actions, without changing anything about their basic nature.
Involvements of this nature curtail our search for freedom by consuming all our available energy. With the objective to truly follow the example of their allies, the old sorcerers spent their lives in the realm of inorganic beings. It is a frightening thing the amount of energy necessary to realize an uninterrupted journey such as this.
Just because we haven’t been taught to emphasize dreams as a genuine field for exploration doesn’t mean they are not one. Dreams are analyzed for their meaning or are taken as portents, but never are they taken as a realm of real events. To my knowledge, only the old sorcerers did that. But at the end they flubbed it. They got greedy, and when they came to a crucial crossroads, they took the wrong fork. They put all their eggs in one basket: the fixation of the assemblage point on one of the thousands of positions it can adopt.
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