According to the orders of the spirit, I have to tell you what the fourth gate of dreaming is, although I can no longer guide you. Whether or not you can cross the fourth gate by yourself is up to the spirit.
At the fourth gate of dreaming, the energy body travels to specific, concrete places. There are three ways of using the fourth gate: one, to travel to concrete places in this world; two, to travel to concrete places out of this world; and, three, to travel to places that exist only in the intent of others. The latter is the most difficult and dangerous, but it is by far the most preferred by the ancient sorcerers.
All I can say is that tonight you’re going to get a lesson in dreaming, the way lessons in dreaming used to be, but you are not going to get that lesson from me. Someone else is going to be your teacher and guide you tonight. A visitor, who might be a horrendous surprise to you or no surprise at all.
It is a lesson about the fourth gate of dreaming. And it is in two parts. The first part I will explain to you presently. The second part nobody can explain to you because it is something that pertains only to you.
All the master-sorcerers of my line got this two-part lesson, but no two of those lessons were alike. They were tailored to fit their personal bents of character.
As you already know, to perceive energy directly is a matter of personal attainment. We maneuver the assemblage point through self-discipline. For the old sorcerers, the displacement of the assemblage point was a consequence of their subjugation to others, their teachers, who accomplished those displacements through dark operations and gave them to their disciples as gifts of power.
It’s possible for someone with greater energy than ours to do anything to us. The old sorcerers were not that impeccable, and, by means of their ceaseless efforts to gain control over others, they created a situation of darkness and terror that was passed on from teacher to disciple.
The death defier, known as the tenant, makes us gifts of power every generation. And the specific nature of those gifts of power is what changed the course of our lineage. The tenant, being a sorcerer from the old school, had learned from his teachers all the intricacies of shifting his assemblage point. Since he had perhaps thousands of years of strange life and awareness-ample time to perfect anything – he knew now how to reach and hold hundreds, if not thousands, of positions of the assemblage point. His gifts were like both maps for shifting the assemblage point to specific spots and manuals on how to immobilize it on any of those positions and thus acquire cohesion.
We have been discussing the strange accomplishments of the sorcerers of ancient times. But it’s always hard when one has to talk exclusively in idealities, without any firsthand knowledge. I can repeat to you from now until doomsday something that is crystal clear to me but impossible for you to understand or believe, because you don’t have any practical knowledge of it.
For a death-defying sorcerer, so versed in the shifts of the assemblage point, to be a man or a woman is a matter of choice or convenience. This is the first part of the lesson in dreaming I said you were going to get. And the death defier is the mysterious visitor who’s going to guide you through it.
I can’t tell you what to do. I can only, like any other sorcerer, put you in front of your challenge, after telling you, in quite oblique terms, everything that is pertinent. This is another of the sorcerer’s maneuvers: to say everything without saying it or to ask without asking.
The first part of the dreaming lesson in question is that maleness and femaleness are not final states but are the result of a specific act of positioning the assemblage point. And this act is, naturally, a matter of volition and training. Since it was a subject close to the old sorcerers’ hearts, they are the only ones who can shed light on it.
Everything you think about maleness and femaleness is true as long as our assemblage point remains on its habitual position. But the moment it is displaced beyond certain boundaries and our daily world is no longer in function, none of the principles you cherish has the total value you’re thinking about.
Your mistake is to forget that the death defier has transcended those boundaries thousands upon thousands of times. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that the tenant is no longer bound by the same forces that bind you now.
You have to understand that only you, yourself, can make the decision to meet or not to meet the tenant or to accept or reject his gifts of power. But your decision has to be voiced to the tenent in the church, face to face and alone; otherwise it won’t be valid.
Before you make your real decision you have to know all the details of our transactions with that sorcerer. This is not a matter of hiding until the danger is over. This is the moment of truth. Everything you’ve done and experienced in the sorcerers’ world has channeled you to this spot. I didn’t want to say it, because I knew your energy body was going to tell you, but there is no way to get out of this appointment. Not even by dying. Do you understand?
You must face the death defier in coldness without changing your level of awareness, and with ultimate premeditation. And you can’t do this by proxy.
The death defier, being definitely a creature of ritual habits, always met the naguals of his line first as a man and subsequently as a woman.
The gifts of the death defier are gifts of power. They are called so because they are products of the specialized knowledge of the sorcerers of antiquity. The mystery about the gifts is that no one on this earth, with the exception of the death defier, can give us a sample of that knowledge. And, of course, I can displace my assemblage point to whatever spot I want, inside or outside man’s energy shape. But what I can’t do, and only the death defier can, is to know what to do with my energy body in each one of those spots in order to get total perception, total cohesion.
Modern-day sorcerers do not know the details of the thousands upon thousands of possible positions of the assemblage point. Details are particular ways of treating the energy body in order to maintain the assemblage point fixed on specific positions.
Most of the shifts modern-day sorcerers experience are mild shifts within a thin bundle of energetic luminous filaments inside the luminous egg, a bundle called the band of man, or the purely human aspect of the universe’s energy. Beyond that band, but still within the luminous egg, lies the realm of the grand shifts. When the assemblage point shifts to any spot on that area, perception is still comprehensible to us, but extremely detailed procedures are required for perception to be total.
Every grand shift has different inner workings which modern sorcerers could learn if they knew how to fixate the assemblage point long enough at any grand shift. Only the sorcerers of ancient times had the specific knowledge required to do this.
Consider this: if you still can’t remember all the things I taught you and did with you in the second attention, imagine how much more difficult it must be to remember what the death defier taught you and did with you. I only made you change levels of awareness; the death defier made you change universes.
The death defier’s gift consists of endless dreaming possibilities.
The implication is not only that you will live those possibilities but that one day you will comprehend them.
The death defier’s gift consists of endless dreaming possibilities.
The implication is not only that you will live those possibilities but that one day you will comprehend them.
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