Power, courage, fear
When you consider the number of men that are before you, think of how many follow you!
According to an old proverb, the gladiator takes council in the sand.
He is most powerful who governs himself.
You can run from others, but not from yourself.
Luck respects the valiant and oppresses the cowardly, leading those who consent and dragging who resist.
Some leaders are considered very great because we measured the pedestal along with the man.
See those who praise eloquence, escort wealth, flatter benefactors, and extol power? All are enemies, or can be.
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. What looks like adversity is in fact a means by which man exerts his virtues.
Some, without having given direction to their lives, are caught by destiny exhausted, sleepy.
How many times has the day gone by according to plan?
What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you.
Gold is tried by fire, brave men by adversity.
Courage carries us to the stars, and fear to death.
If a great man falls, even after the fall, he remains great.
You will have left fear behind only after you do not have hope.
To command does not mean to dominate, but to fulfill a duty.
Men who become arrogant with success have the bad habit of hating those who offend them.
Presume of your friend that one day you may have him as an enemy.
You cannot expect an athlete to come to a competition very motivated if he has never been put to the test.
We should seek courage in our own despairs.
Ignorance, or better, human foolishness is so great that some are led to their deaths precisely because of their fear of death.
It’s not death we’re afraid of, but the thought of it.
The suppression of desire is also a useful remedy against fear.
He who is feared, fears: one cannot be at peace and be object of another’s fear.
To live means to fight.
Precisely the things that we are most afraid of are the least fearful.
The things that terrify us are greater in number than those which effectively do us harm, and afflict us more by their appearances than by facts.
Nothing is as regrettable and harmful than anticipating disgrace.
Life, without a goal, is completely empty.
Faith, confidence, success, pessimism
No one is required to walk the path of success.
Wretched is he who judges himself as such.
It is wrong to believe in everyone, but it is equally wrong to not believe in anyone.
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