One of the most coveted results of inner silence is a specific interplay of energy which is always heralded by a strong emotion. Such an interplay manifests itself in terms of hues that are projected on any horizon in the world of everyday life, be it a mountain, the sky, a wall, or simply the palms of the hands. This interplay of hues begins with the appearance of a tenuous brushstroke of lavender on the horizon. In time, this lavender brushstroke starts to expand until it covers the visible horizon, like advancing storm clouds.
A dot of a peculiar, rich, pomegranate red shows up, as if bursting from the lavender clouds. As sorcerers become more disciplined and experienced, the dot of pomegranate expands and finally explodes into thoughts or visions, or in the case of a literate man, into written words; sorcerers either see visions engendered by energy, hear thoughts being voiced as words, or read written words.
Insofar as the speed of your visions is concerned, you yourself will have to learn to adjust it. For some sorcerers, that’s the job of a lifetime. Energy may appear to you as if it were being projected onto a movie screen.
Whether or not you understand what’s projected is another matter. In order to make an accurate interpretation you need experience. My recommendation is that you shouldn’t be bashful, and you should begin now. Read energy on the wall! Your true mind is emerging, and it has nothing to do with the mind that is a foreign installation. Let your true mind adjust the speed. Be silent, and don’t fret, no matter what happens.
Journeying in the Dark Sea of Awareness
What we can do from inner silence is very similar to what is done in dreaming when one is asleep. However, when journeying through the dark sea of awareness, there is no interruption of any sort caused by going to sleep, nor is there any attempt whatsoever at controlling one’s attention while having a dream. The journey through the dark sea of awareness entails an immediate response. There is an overpowering sensation of the here and now. It is unfortunate how some idiotic sorcerers give the name dreaming-awake to the act of reaching the dark sea of awareness directly, making the term dreaming even more ridiculous.
You must deliberately journey through the dark sea of awareness but you’ll never know how this is done. Let’s say that inner silence does it, following inexplicable ways, ways that cannot be understood, but only practiced.
A break in the continuity of time. That is what inner silence does. The interruption of that flow of continuity that makes the world understandable to us is sorcery.
Seeing from Inner Silence
I want to propose a weird idea to you. I have to stress that it’s a weird idea that will find endless resistance in you. I will tell you beforehand that you won’t accept it easily. But the fact that it’s weird should not be a deterrent.
The weird idea is that every human being on this earth seems to have exactly the same reactions, the same thoughts, the same feelings. They seem to respond in more or less the same way to the same stimuli. Those reactions seem to be sort of fogged up by the language they speak, but if we scrape that off, they are exactly the same reactions that besiege every human being on Earth. I would like you to become curious about this and see if you could formally account for such homogeneity.
A task for you today is one of the most mysterious things of sorcery, something that goes beyond language, beyond explanations. The mystery of sorcery must be cushioned in the mundane, when walking, speaking. It must stem from nothing, and go back again to nothing. That’s the art of the warrior: to go through the eye of a needle unnoticed.
Brace yourself by propping your back against the wall. I want you to cross your legs and enter into inner silence. Let’s say that you wanted to discover what articles you could find in order to refute or prove what I asked you to do. Enter into inner silence, but don’t fall asleep. This won’t be a journey through the dark sea of awareness, it will be seeing from inner silence.
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