This is the riddle about how it is impossible, and at the same time easy, to move the energy body. You are currently trying to move it as if you were in your daily world. We spend so much time and effort learning how to walk that we believe that our energy body should also walk. There is no reason for that, unless walking is the first thing that comes into our heads.
Sorcerers say that at the third gate the entire energy body can move like energy moves: fast and directly. Your energy body knows exactly how to move. It can move as it moves in the inorganic beings’ world.
It takes sorcerers forever to learn to move the energy body with their own volition. Once you’ve learned how to move your energy body by yourself, you should continue moving. Moving your energy body opens up a new area of extraordinary exploration.
To be transported by a scout is the real dreaming task of the second gate. It is a very serious matter, but not as serious as forging and moving the energy body. Therefore, you have to make sure, by some means of your own, whether you are actually seeing yourself asleep or whether you are merely dreaming that you’re seeing yourself asleep. One’s new extraordinary exploration hinges on really seeing oneself asleep.
At this point you must do a drastic maneuver. The dream emissary can do nothing to interfere with your exercises. Or better, you should not, under any circumstance, allow it to. Make a simple, but difficult maneuver. After you have started dreaming, voice out loudly your desire to not count on the dream emissary anymore. You will then be free of him forever.
Essentially there is no need for you to eliminate the emissary. The important thing is to oblige it to propose an alternative way, convenient for you. Dreamers take a very long time to perfect their energy bodies. And this is exactly what’s at stake here: perfecting your energy body.
The reason the energy body is compelled to examine detail and get inextricably stuck in it is its inexperience, its incompleteness. Sorcerers spend a lifetime consolidating the energy body by letting it sponge up everything possible.
Until the energy body is complete and mature, it is self-absorbed. It can’t get free from the compulsion to be absorbed by everything. But if one takes this into consideration, instead of fighting the energy body, one can lend it a hand by directing its behavior, that is to say, by stalking it.
Since everything related to the energy body depends on the appropriate position of the assemblage point, and since dreaming is nothing else but the means to displace it, stalking is, consequently, the way to make the assemblage point stay put on the perfect position, in this case, the position where the energy body can become consolidated and from which it can finally emerge.
The moment the energy body can move on its own, sorcerers assume that the optimum position of the assemblage point has been reached. The next step is to stalk it, that is, to fixate it on that position in order to complete the energy body. The procedure is simplicity itself. One intends to stalk it.
Let your energy body intend to reach the optimum dreaming position. Then, let your energy body intend to stay at that position and you will be stalking.
Intending is the secret. Sorcerers displace their assemblage points through intending and fixate them, equally, through intending. And there is no technique for intending.
One intends through usage. The ideal spot and the fixation of the assemblage point are metaphors. They have nothing to do with the words used to describe them.
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