Newly created anecdotes are a great comfort to the old ones…
I confess that to this day I know of only two synonyms that are perfect: ‘never’ and ‘always’.
She was white, white. A whiteness that no one has anymore, but her soul was shimmery.
Anxiety is when there are always more minutes to go before whatever you want to happen happens.
Alarm clocks are traffic accidents to our sleep.
Silence is a spy.
Every day is mystery incognito.
If I were to believe in everything that I think, I’d go crazy.
Mindless dialogue
– Left you?
– Even worse: forgot me…
Legitimate Appropriation
I copy and sign this phrase found in the old Schopenhauer:
“The amount of noise that a person can endure is in the inverse ratio
of their mental capacity.”
He was a great name, beyond any doubt. A true glory. One day he fell ill, died, turned into pavement… And they all continued to walk all over him.
Ah, these moralists… There is nothing that irritates the sensesmore than a disinfectant!
This life is a strange hostel
Where we part almost always dazed
For never our bags are packed,
And our bill is never settled.
Don’t make your life a draft.
You may not have the time to reword it.
A double delight, books give us the chance be alone and at the same time accompany everything that’s going on.
How beautiful equestrian statues would be if they expressed only the horses!
Everything that happens is natural – even the supernatural.
Life is worth living – even if only to say that it’s not worth it…
You should only drink for pleasure: to drink in distaste is pure idiocy.
I’ve always felt out of place in these social gatherings: the excess of people prevents us from seeing people…
Laziness is the mother of progress. If man had not been too lazy to walk, he would not have invented the wheel.
An autodidact is an ignorant on his own accord.
These folk who always talk about whether it’ll rain or not – they don’t go to Heaven! It’s always good weather there…
The saddest part about modern architecture is the durability of its materials.
The worst thing about our problems is that no one has anything to do with them.
If Columbus had died a wee boy, Neves would have discovered the New World.
You know what really gets under my skin? The sight of a monkey; it’s not that he was our past: it’s this premonition that he will be our future.
The only bad thing about old western movies is that the gunshots wake us up when we’re fast asleep.
Yoga? None of that! The best breathing exercise that there is reading, out loud, the Lusiads.
Lavoisier’s reflection upon discovering that his wallet had been stolen: nothing is lost, everything just changes ownership.
What kills a garden is not abandonment. What kills a garden is that look of who passes by indifferently.
Because of you, I have not committed many evil deeds.
We should go through life like someone who is skipping class,
and not like someone who’s going to school
Of mourning
Do not try to comfort the disgraced
Weeping bitterly for their infortunes
If you manage to take him out of his state
What other consolation will he be left with…?
The lighter it is the more subtle becomes
The pleasure we are provided from things
Needless is it to drink an entire barrel
To know what taste the wine has…
Of bad style
All the good, all the evil they say to you would be nothing
If they knew how to express it
The attack of a butterfly pleases
More than all the kisses of a horse
– I would like to share some ideas with you…
– God forbid!
The creation of the Vagina
Seven good men of fine learning
Created the pussy, as for you to see:
Firstly came a butcher.
With sharp knife he made accurate carving
Then, a good carpenter, with dedication
Hole made he in the center with mallet and chisel
Thirdly the Taylor, capable and modern.
Lined the inside with velvet
A good hunter, with a timely arrival
Lined with fox hide on the outside.
In fifth place, a canny fisherman.
Rubbing a fish, gave it its odor.
Sixth, the good priest of the church abbey.
Blessed her saying, ‘It’s just for going pee!’
Finally the sailor, one-eyed and legless.
Sucked it, fucked it and named it…
Irony only reaches those endowed with intelligence.
It is useless to waste it on those far from its reach.
We have failed to invent a weapon against such people.
Stupidity is invincible.
Happy phrases… enchanted phrases … O party to the ears! There is always well made up nonsense… Just as there are well dressed morons.
The saddest part about a bird in a cage is that the bird feels fine.
The day that you’re really worrisome,
imagine that you died the day before yesterday…
Confess: would all of this still really matter so much?
That thought is not mine; it belongs to a great Brazilian poet and thinker.
Do not be too righteous, and do not use your wisdom more than necessary,
lest you become stupid.
The truth is that animals, when they imitate people, lose all dignity.
A mistake in bronze is an eternal mistake.
If it wasn’t for Van Gogh, what would have become of yellow?
A lie is a truth that has not happened.
Worse, truly much worse
Than crocodile tears,
Are crocodile smiles…
Of points of views
The fly, bustling around: “No, God doesn’t exist!
Only Chance governs this earthly existence.”
The Spider: “Glory to Thee, Divine Providence,
May my humble web draw in this fly!”
Of mediocrity
Our soul unable and tiny
With more complacencies than derision deserves.
If no one is as good as we imagine,
Nor are they as bad as they seem.
Once upon a time two little fleas spent a lifetime saving up and one day bought a dog all for themselves…
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