The Definitive Stalk
By now you must be ready for this one final statement about the world of the inorganic beings. The most dreadful statement I can make.
The energy necessary to move the assemblage points of sorcerers comes from the realm of inorganic beings. This is the truth and the legacy of the old sorcerers to us. The inorganic beings have us pinned down to this day. This is the reason I don’t like them. I resent having to dip into one source alone. Personally, I refuse to do it. And I am trying to steer you away from it. I have been unsuccessful so far because something pulls you to that world like a magnet.
We can’t have dealings with them, and yet we can’t stay away from them. My solution has been to take their energy but not give into their influence. This is known as the ultimate stalking. This is done by sustaining the unbending intent of freedom, even though no sorcerer knows what freedom really is.
The reason sorcerers have to take energy from the realm of inorganic beings is because there is no other viable energy for sorcerers. In order to maneuver the assemblage point in the manner they do, sorcerers need an inordinate amount of energy.
There is no way for sorcerers to have access to that amount of energy seeking it within themselves alone. It doesn’t matter how much they restructure their own basic and natural energy, it is still not enough.
To start dreaming sorcerers need to redefine their premises and save their energy, but that redefining is valid only to have the necessary energy to set up dreaming. To fly into other realms, to see energy, to forge the energy body, et cetera, et cetera, is another matter. For those maneuvers, sorcerers need loads of dark, alien energy. They take it from the inorganic beings’ world by the mere act of going to that world. All the sorcerers of our line have to do this.
Energetic journey to other worlds
The use of awareness as an energetic element of our environment is the essence of sorcery. In terms of practicalities, the trajectory of sorcery is, first, to free the existing energy in us by impeccably following the sorcerers’ path; second, to use that energy to develop the energy body by means of dreaming; and, third, to use awareness as an element of the environment in order to enter with the energy body and all our physicality into other worlds.
Every sorcerer goes through the same apprehension caused by inner tumult. Awareness is an endless area of exploration for sorcerers and man in general. In order to enhance awareness, there is no risk we should not run, no means we should refuse. Bear in mind, however, that only in soundness of mind can awareness be enhanced.
I’m going to propose a line of action for you. It’s the last task of the third gate of dreaming, and it consists of stalking the stalkers, a most mysterious maneuver. To stalk the stalkers means to deliberately draw energy from the inorganic beings’ realm in order to perform a sorcery feat.
A journey, a journey that uses awareness as an element of the environment. In the world of daily life, water is an element of the environment that we use for traveling. Imagine awareness being a similar element that can be used for traveling. Through the medium of awareness, scouts from all over the universe come to us, and vice versa; via awareness, sorcerers go to the ends of the universe.
Awareness is an energetic element. You have to make that distinction. For sorcerers who see, awareness is a glow. They can hitch their energy body to that glow and go with it.
The difference between a physical and an energetic element is that physical elements are part of our interpretation system, and energetic elements are not. Energetic elements, like awareness, exist in our universe. But we, as average people, perceive only the physical elements because we were taught to do so. Sorcerers perceive the energetic elements for the same reason: they were taught to do so.
There are two kinds of energy journeys into other worlds. One is when awareness picks up the sorcerer’s energy body and takes it wherever it may, and the other is when the sorcerer decides, in full consciousness, to use the avenue of awareness to make a journey. It takes an enormous discipline to do the second.
In the life of sorcerers there are issues that require masterful handling, and dealing with awareness, as an energetic element open to the energy body, is the most important, vital, and dangerous of those issues.
Alone you do not have enough energy to perform the last task of the third gate of dreaming. I want you to break the boundaries of the normal world and, using awareness as an energetic element, enter into another. This breaking and entering amounts to stalking the stalkers. Using awareness as an element of the environment bypasses the influence of the inorganic beings, but it still uses their energy.
The task is to sneak out energy from the inorganic beings, and not be run by them. To use awareness as an element of the sorcerers’ environment, first they must make a journey to the world of the inorganic beings. Then they have to use that journey as a springboard, and, while they are in possession of the necessary dark energy, they have to intend to be hurled through the medium of awareness into another world.
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