Warding off flies and mosquitos
You shouldn’t pay attention to the buzzing. Don’t try to wave them off with your hand. Intend that they go away. Construct an energy barrier around yourself. Stay silent, and in your silence the barrier will be constructed. No one knows how this is done. This is one of the things that the ancient sorcerers called energetic facts. Stop your internal dialogue. That is all you need.
Windows of the self
When one is dealing with the nagual, one should never look into it directly. The only way to look at the nagual is as if it were a common affair. One must blink in order to break the fixation. Our eyes are the eyes of the tonal, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that our eyes have been trained by the tonal, therefore the tonal claims them.
One of the sources of an apprentice’s bafflement and discomfort is that his tonal doesn’t let go of his eyes. The day it does, his nagual will have won a great battle. Your obsession or, better yet, everyone’s obsession is to arrange the world according to the tonal‘s rules; so every time we are confronted with the nagual, we go out of our way to make our eyes stiff and intransigent. I must appeal to the part of your tonal which understands this dilemma and you must make an effort to free your eyes. The point is to convince the tonal that there are worlds that can pass in front of the same windows. Let your eyes be free; let them be true windows. The eyes can be the windows to peer into boredom or to peek into that infinity.
To do this is very simple. All you have to do is to set up your intent as a customs house. Whenever you are in the world of the tonal, you should be an impeccable tonal; no time for irrational crap. But whenever you are in the world of the nagual, you should also be impeccable; no time for rational crap. For the warrior, intent is the gate in between. It closes completely behind him when he goes either way.
Another thing one should do when facing the nagual is to shift the line of the eyes from time to time, in order to break the spell of the nagual. Changing the position of the eyes always eases the burden of the tonal. If you ever find yourself in such a pickle, you must be able to change position by yourself. This shifting should be done only as a relief, though, not as another way of palisading yourself to safeguard the order to the tonal. My advice is that you try to use this technique to hide the rationality of your tonal behind it, assuming that in this way you will be saving it from extinction. The problem with this thinking is that no one ever even wants to put the rationality of the tonal into extinction.
Movement of the eyes
The new seers recommend a very simple act when impatience, or despair, or anger, or sadness comes their way. They recommend that warriors roll their eyes. Any direction will do; I prefer to roll mine clockwise. The movement of the eyes makes the assemblage point shift momentarily. In that movement, you will find relief. This is in lieu of true mastery of intent.
The warrior’s gaze
The warrior’s gaze is placed on the right eye of the other person. And what it does it stop the internal dialogue. Then the nagual takes over; thus, the danger of that maneuver. Whenever the nagual prevails, even if it is only for an instant, there is no way of describing the feeling that the body experiences.
The gaze into the right eye is not fixed. It is a forceful grabbing that one does through the eye of the other person. In other words, one grabs something that is behind the eye. One has the actual physical sensation that one is holding something with the will. There is no way to describe exactly what is does. Something snaps forward from someplace below the stomach. That something has direction and can be focused on anything.
It works only when the warrior learns to focus his will. There is no way of practicing it, therefore I have not recommended or encouraged its use. At a given moment in the life of a warrior it simply happens. No one knows how.
The secret is in the left eye. As a warrior progresses on the path of knowledge, his left eye can clasp anything. Usually the left eye of a warrior has a strange appearance. Sometimes it becomes permanently crossed, or it becomes smaller than the other, or larger, or different in some way.
Always look at the person who is involved in a dispute with you, each of you tugging the rope at one end. Don’t simply tug the rope. Look up into their eyes. Then you will know that he is just another person, like yourself. It doesn’t matter what he says, what he does, he will be shaking in his shoes, like you. One of these gazes will render the opponent defenseless, even if only for an instant. Then you strike.
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