Humor, Happiness, Pleasure, Beauty
It is admirable how one soothsayer does not laugh at the sight of another soothsayer.
Ridendo castigat mores – Laughter is the punishment of customs.
To live happily means to live honestly and straightforward.
To be satisfied with one’s own assets constitutes the greatest and surest wealth.
The power rests in our hands to entirely erase from our memory infortunes and undesirable recollections.
The greatest wealth is to live pleasurably.
Anyone can be wholly happy, if he depends only upon himself and call his only that which is in himself.
Rich is he who has enough.
The face is the mirror of the soul.
The serene memory of past pains brings us pleasure.
Take leisure with dignity.
The pleasure of banquets is not in the abundance of platters, and yes in the gathering of friends and conversation.
All find their own works to be beautiful.
Tears dry quickly, especially when they concern the sorrows of others.
A happy life consists in peace of mind.
God, Life, Old age
My wisdom is inexistent if put in comparison with the omniscience of God.
Know That You Are a God, if god is that which possesses power, feeling and memory that foresees and rules, moderates and makes this body move, to which it is connected.
No one is so old as to think that he cannot live one more year.
As I approve of a youth that has something of the old man in him, so I am no less pleased with an old man that has something of the youth. He that follows this rule may be old in body, but can never be so in soul.
The old should neither desperately attach themselves nor unreasonably renounce the life they have left.
To have a long life, one must live slowly.
While the life given to us by nature may be short, the memory of a well applied life is eternal.
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