Cynicism doesn’t allow us to make drastic changes in our understanding of the world. It also forces us to feel that we are always right. I propose that you do one nonsensical thing that might turn the tide. Repeat to yourself incessantly that the hinge of sorcery is the mystery of the assemblage point. If you repeat this to yourself long enough, some unseen force takes over and makes the appropriate changes in you.
Cut your cynical attitude! Repeat this in a bona fide manner. The mystery of the assemblage point is everything in sorcery. Or rather, everything in sorcery rests on the manipulation of the assemblage point. You may know all this, but you have to repeat it.
Our incapacity to break these parameters was induced by our culture and social milieu. Both our culture and social milieu deployed every bit of our inherent energy in fulfilling established behavioral patterns which do not allow us to break these parameters of normal perception.
Breaking these parameters is the unavoidable issue of mankind. Breaking them means the entrance into unthinkable worlds of a value different from our pragmatic world of everyday life. Regardless of whether or not we accept this premise, we are obsessed with breaking these parameters, but we fail miserably at it, hence the profusion of drugs, stimulants, religious rituals and ceremonies among modern man.
Our failure to fulfill our subliminal wish is due to the fact that we tackle it in a helter-skelter way. Our tools are too crude. They are equivalent to trying to bring down a wall by ramming it with the head. Man never considers this breakage in terms of energy. For sorcerers, success is determined only by the accessibility or the inaccessibility of energy.
Since it is impossible to augment our inherent energy, the only avenue open for the sorcerers is the redeployment of that energy.
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