Sound and meaning of words are of supreme importance to stalkers. Words are used by them as keys to open anything that is closed. The stalkers, therefore, have to state their aim before attempting to achieve understanding. But they cannot reveal their true aim at the outset, so they should word things carefully to conceal their main intent.
Seeing the Mold of Man Alone
The mold of man is commonly seen as male because the agglutination point does not have the stability to remain completely stuck to its new position, and slides laterally onto man’s band. And it is the same case to see the barrier of perception as a wall of fog. What makes the agglutination point shift laterally is an unavoidable desire or necessity to translate the incomprehensible into familiar terms: a barrier is a wall, and the mold of man can only be a man.
There are two ways of seeing the mold of man. You can see it as a man or you can see it as a light. This depends on the shift of the assemblage point. If the shift is lateral, the mold is a human being; if the shift is in the midsection of man’s band, the mold is a light.
The position where one sees the mold of man is very close to that where the dreaming body and the barrier of perception appear. That is the reason the new seers recommend that the mold of man be seen and understood.
To see the mold of man on your own, unaided by anyone, is an important step, because all of us have certain ideas that must be broken before we are free. The seer who travels into the unknown to see the unknowable must be in an impeccable state of being.
To be in an impeccable state of being is to be free of rational assumptions and rational fears. It is necessary to go beyond the mold. The mold should be merely a stage, a stop in the road that brings temporary peace and serenity to those who journey into the unknown, but it is sterile, static. As if at the same time it is a flat reflected image in a mirror and the mirror itself, and the image is man’s image.
Breaking the barrier of perception is the culmination of everything seers do. From the moment that barrier is broken, man and his fate take on a different meaning for warriors. Because of the transcendental importance of breaking that barrier, the new seers use the act of breaking it as a final test. The test consists of jumping from a mountaintop into an abyss while in a state of normal awareness. If the warrior jumping into the abyss does not erase the daily world and assemble another one before he reaches bottom, he dies.
What you are going to do is to make this world vanish, but you are going to remain somewhat yourself. This is the ultimate bastion of awareness, the one the new seers count on. They know that after they burn with consciousness, they somewhat retain the sense of being themselves.
To break the barrier of perception is the last task of the mastery of awareness. In order to move your assemblage point to that position you must gather enough energy. Then go on R&R. Don’t forget what you have done!
It will be a long time before you can apply the principle that your command is the Eagle‘s command. That’s the essence of the mastery of intent. In the meantime, make a command now not to fret, not even at the worst moments of doubt. It will be a slow process until that command is heard and obeyed as if it were the Eagle‘s command.
There is an immeasurable area of awareness in between the customary position of the assemblage point and the position where there are no more doubts, which is almost the place where the barrier of perception makes its appearance. In that immeasurable area, warriors fall prey to every conceivable misdeed. Be on the lookout and don’t lose confidence, for you will unavoidably be struck at one time or another by gripping feelings of defeat.
This will all come back to you some day. One thing unleashes the other. One key-word and everything will spill out of you like an overloaded depository door gives way.
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