An “ally” is a power a man can bring into his life to help him, advise him, and give him the strength necessary to perform acts, whether big or small, right or wrong. This ally is necessary to enhance a man’s life, guide his acts, and further his knowledge.
An ally will make you see and understand things about which no human being could possible enlighten you. It is neither a guardian nor a spirit. In fact, an ally is the indispensable aid to knowing.
An ally is a power capable of carrying a man beyond the boundaries of himself. This is how an ally can reveal matters no human being could. An ally takes you out of yourself to give you power. Allies are not good or bad, but are used by sorcerers for whatever reason they wish.
Real people look like luminous eggs when you see them. Non-people always look like people. That is what I meant when I said you cannot see an ally. The allies take different forms. They look like dogs, coyotes, birds, even tumbleweeds, or anything else. The only difference is that when you see them they look just like what they are pretending to be. Everything has its own way of being when you see. Just like men look like eggs, other things look like something else, but the allies can be seen only in the form they are portraying. That form is good enough to fool the eyes, our eyes, that is.
There is a reason for everything that the allies do. From their acts, sometimes a sorcerer can extract their power. Even if a sorcerer does not have his own ally, although knows how to see, he can handle this power by observing the acts of the allies.
In the company of men they behave like men. In the company of animals they behave like animals. Animals are usually afraid of them; however, if they are accustomed to seeing the allies, they leave them alone. We ourselves do something similar. We have scores of allies among us, but we do not bother them. Since our eyes can only look at things, we do not notice them.
The allies just take the outward appearance of whatever is around and then we take them for what they are not. It is not their fault that we have taught our eyes only to look at things. An ally is a force, a tension. The only way to know what an ally is is by experimenting it.
Fortunately, it’s not the reason which puts ally together. It is the body. An ally is perceived in many degrees. Each of those perceptions is stored in one’s body. The sum of those pieces is the ally. I don’t know any other way of describing it.
Our reason is petty and it is always at odds with our body. This, of course, is only a way of speaking, but the triumph of a man of knowledge is that he has joined the two together. Being that you are still not a man of knowledge, your body now does things that your reason does not comprehend. The ally is one of these things.
The ally is waiting for you, that’s for sure, but not only on the edge of a plain. It is right here, or there, or in any other place. The ally is waiting for you, just like death is waiting for you, everywhere and nowhere.
It’s waiting for the same reason that death waits for you, because you were born. There is no possibility of explaining at this point what is meant by that. You must first experience the ally. You must perceive it in its full force, and then the sorcerers’ explanation may clarify you.
The way one understands the ally is a personal matter. The old seers became mesmerized by such devotion from their allies. Stories say that the old seers could make their allies do anything they wanted. That was one of the reasons they believed in their own invulnerability. They got fooled by their self-importance. The allies have power only if the seer who sees them is the paragon of impeccability; and those old seers just weren’t.
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