The explanation given by the Sorcerers, which does not seem to be an overall explanation, is lethal. It may appear to be harmless and enchanting, but as soon as the warrior exposes himself to it, strikes a blow that nobody can withstand. So prepare for the worst, but do not rush or panic. You do not have time, and yet you are surrounded by eternity. What a paradox for one’s reason!
The men of knowledge possess both knowledge and power. However, neither could say how it was acquired, except that they continued to act as a warrior and at a certain point, everything changed. Thus the flaw of words is revealed, always obliging us to feel enlightened, but as soon as we turn to face the world, they always fail us and we end up facing the world as we always did, without clarification. For this reason, the sorcerer seeks to act rather than speak and for that he reaches a new definition, one where speaking is not so important, and where new actions generate new reflections.
After the warrior has conquered his dreams and has seen and created his dream body, he must also have succeeded in erasing personal history, self-importance and routines. All techniques taught are, in essence, ways of making it possible to have an energy body in the common world, making the Self and the world fluid and placing them beyond the borders of predictability.
A fluid warrior can no longer make the world chronologic. And as for him, the world and he are no longer objects. He is a being of light existing in a luminous world. Think of it this way. The world does not yield to us directly; the definition of the world fits itself in. So, strictly speaking, we are always one step away from the world and our experience of the world is always a recollection of the experience. We are constantly recalling the instant that passed, that has already happened. We recollect, recollect and recollect.
If all our experience of the world is a memory, then it is not so absurd to conclude that a sorcerer can be in two places at the same time. It is not a matter of his perceptive point of view, because to experience the world, the sorcerer, like any other has to remember the act that he just practiced, the event that he just witnessed, and the experience that he has just lived.
In his consciousness there is only one memory, but to an outsider looking at the sorcerer, it may seem as though he is representing two different episodes at the same time. The sorcerer, however, remembers only two unique and isolated moments, because the binds of the definition of time do not hold him anymore.
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