How can we win the war with soldiers like this?
Published by Antonio Carlos Santini
16 de November de 2009
16 de November de 2009
As I read the news journal about the wars that the U.S. is waging in Iraq and Afghanistan, I am reminded of the war in Vietnam and I see…
Itacambira, the Lost Horizon of Diadorim
Published by Sânia Campos
20 de October de 2009
20 de October de 2009
Itacambira in tupi-guarani means pointed rock stemming from the jungle. An anonymous version of the story goes: “Small town With beautiful dark haired women Looks like a garden! It has…
Os caças militares e as bóias de AlcântaraLos cazas militares y las boyas de Alcántara
Published by José Alves
7 de October de 2009
7 de October de 2009
It’s Worth It to Be a Child
Published by Sol Assis
30 de September de 2009
30 de September de 2009
I have always noticed how some people carry certain infantile approaches with them into their adult lives, while they are sometimes seen as irresponsible or “screw loose,” coincidentally, they are…