

Published by Sebastião Verly
1 de December de 2009


A happy dream of a Town

Published by Sânia Campos
27 de November de 2009

In the course of the day, when I depart Belo Horizonte, headed for the nearby city of Betim, between the districts Coração Eucarístico and Barreiro, my thoughts and reflections accompany me…

How can we win the war with soldiers like this?

Published by Antonio Carlos Santini
16 de November de 2009

  As I read the news journal about the wars that the U.S. is waging in Iraq and Afghanistan, I am reminded of the war in Vietnam and I see…

Itacambira, the Lost Horizon of Diadorim

Published by Sânia Campos
20 de October de 2009

Itacambira in tupi-guarani means pointed rock stemming from the jungle. An anonymous version of the story goes: “Small town With beautiful dark haired women Looks like a garden! It has…


Published by Sânia Campos
7 de October de 2009