Reader’s Comments – 2011 July – 2nd Half
5 de August de 2011
Sergio sobre o artigo “Carlos Castaneda – Frases de Don Juan Matus – Sobre os Caminhos” ESTACION MARTE COAHUILA, DONDE MEZCALITO ESTA PRESENTE Y TE ATRAPA ————————————————- Milton Alberto Albuquerque…
Karl Marx’s Confession
1 de August de 2011
One day, Jenny and Laura, as a game, asked their father a series of questions, to which the answers are supposed to constitute a sort of “confession”. The questionnaire and…
Reply to the Commentary of the reader Adriano
29 de July de 2011
Reader’s Commentary posted by Adriano to the Article: “Feminine Promiscuity”: Dear Carlos, I see you’re a feminist. Not because most of your clients are women, but I’ve noticed that you…
Slaves of the 21st Century
27 de July de 2011
In these loudmouth times of widespread generalizing relativism, one reaches the point of having to admit that “each person holds his own truth.” And we do not always realize that…
The Last Battle
25 de July de 2011
Now you know much about the Hunt. It should be easy for you to comprehend that a good hunter knows one thing above all the others… he knows his prey’s…
Hamurabi and Reverse Logistics
20 de July de 2011
Ur, homeland of Abraham, for those who like crossword puzzles was, until recently, considered to be the oldest known city. Today Jericho is now considered the oldest. The age difference…