The Strength of a Warrior
24 de August de 2011
The way of knowledge is path one is forced upon. Even with the desire to learn, we still have to be pushed along the way. On the path of knowledge…
Reader’s Commentaries – 1st Half – August – 2011
23 de August de 2011
De Hermes Soares: Prezado Editor, Anexo texto Publicado em 06/08/2011 por Carlos Soares em para analise e divulgação Recordando e sugerindo… Agosto de 2011, A Feira Hippie está ai,…
Obstacles to Inner Growth – Part 2
23 de August de 2011
In order for us to deconstruct this point of view, a profound self knowledge is needed, which can be acquired naturally, through the help of the people close to us,…
Poor Teachers
17 de August de 2011
It’s late in the afternoon on a Friday and I am returning home after work in Betim by way of a public transportation bus to my house in Belo Horizonte.…
Feijoada at the Minas Tenis Clube
11 de August de 2011
Belo Horizonte was Brazil’s first planned capital city. The urban layout of the city is modeled on Washington, the U.S. capital, a criss-cross of wide arterial two lane avenues, and a…
The Responsibility of our Actions
9 de August de 2011
You always feel compelled to explain your actions, as if you were the only person in the world who errors. This is your feeling of self importance at work. You…