An Endless Fight
13 de October de 2011
We can always fail, this is true, but I believe that you are referring to something else. You want to find a way out. You want to have the freedom…
Reader’s Commentaries – 2nd Half September 2011
13 de October de 2011
Jonas sobre “Cidade Administrativa: servidores apreensivos” Lucas, parabéns pelas observações! TRABALHO LÁ e sei MUITO BEM o que passamos. Esse tal de “vision” NÃO TEM VISÃO NENHUMA, ou é algum…
Reverse Logistics: It is in giving that we receive!
22 de September de 2011
The title is nothing original and reverse logistics is an old principle. There will always be those who remember the times when we had to bring the empty bottles back…
The Art of a Warrior
21 de September de 2011
I will teach you to be a warrior in the same way I taught you to hunt. But I must warn you that learning to hunt did not make you…
Reader’s Commentaries – 1st Half September 2011
19 de September de 2011
Sania Campos em “Comentários dos Leitores – 2ª Quinzena – Agosto – 2011” Sugiro ao Editor a publicação deste artigo que saiu no jornal “Estado de Minas”, caderno “Pensar” em…
Community’s Awareness and Peace Culture
12 de September de 2011
In those days, the theme ‘community’ was rarely discussed or brought into debate in public, and in the universities existed only a superficial compilation of research on the subject organized…