The Thorn in the Foot
Published by Antonio Carlos Santini
5 de January de 2012
5 de January de 2012
The very well known Greco-Roman sculpture “Spinario”, a brilliant work by an anonymous artist, dated 1st Century AD, Hellenistic period, is of an adolescent boy wholly dedicated to the endeavor…
The Nagual
Published by Editor
3 de January de 2012
3 de January de 2012
Our mind, soul, thoughts, state of grace, heaven, pure intellect, psyche, energy, vital force, immortality, life principle and supreme being… all of these things are Tonal, even the Almighty, God.…
Os inconformistas saem de cena
Published by Wesley Pioest
28 de December de 2011
28 de December de 2011
O poeta convida o poeta para a ceia Lá estão eles: em torno da mesa pão e vinho guitarras e canções a cidade pequena a montanha e a lua nascendo…
The Church: the open wound
Published by Antonio Carlos Santini
21 de December de 2011
21 de December de 2011
The church is a body. It pulsates with life, but it can be hurt and it can also bleed… Giovanni Cucci e Hans Zollner’s book The church and pedophilia, an…