Chernoviz and the Alligator
28 de January de 2014
The other day I was at a friend’s office, a company manager, when suddenly I came eye-to-eye with an alligator. How, you ask? Don’t believe me? Is it so out…
What would Henry Ford do?
22 de January de 2014
Henry Ford (1863-1947), creator of the automobile industry’s assembly line, masterminded the mass market for cars. Initially his goal was to lower the price of cars to make them affordable…
Reader’s Comments – 1st half January 2014
16 de January de 2014
vera maria de lima em “Na Era do Rádio” eu também amo julio louzada rezei muito com ele a orção do menino jesus e rezo ate hoje sempre melembro dele. meu…
Aligning Other Worlds
15 de January de 2014
A displacement of the assemblage point beyond the midline of the cocoon of man makes the entire world we know vanish from our view in one instant, as if…
Scanty joys
14 de January de 2014
Scanty joys. 5 pm. It’s only her second day and the cleaning lady has already flaked out on me. Didn’t even leave a message. Admirable New world! Every man…